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How to Help Your Parrot During a Severe Storm or Hurricane

How to Help Your Parrot During a Severe Storm or Hurricane

Thankfully, we can tell the weather ahead of time, thanks to the weather networks. This allows us to be prepared for potential severe storms and hurricanes. Unlike us, our captive birds aren't able to tell the weather. It's our responsibility to keep them safe during a storm or hurricane!

When you notice a storm coming, make sure you have your emergency food and carriers ready-to-go in case of an evacuation. You must call your local animal shelter or avian veterinarian to see if they offer shelter for your parrots during emergencies and what their policies are.
Some veterinarians, like my vet, require that first-time clients have a general checkup to gather some baseline information regarding specific diet, husbandry and care before an emergency happens. In some cases, having your pet board in a vet's clinic may not be possible. Check ahead of time for motel/hotels if they will allow pets if evacuation becomes necessary.
During a severe storm, loud thunderstorms and lightning can often scare your bird. Make sure that your birds are not near any windows, and keep your bird inside their cage. If your bird is frightened by thunder and storms, try covering the cage, so your bird feels more secure. In case of flash lightning, your bird might be startled and end up injuring themselves. You can close curtains to minimize harsh flashes of lightning coming through.
During a hurricane, the biggest concern for parrots can be a lack of clean water. If you live in an area prone to getting hurricanes or floods, it's best always to have cartons of water bottles available. Additionally, if the conditions require that you evacuate, you must take your bird for a health checkup once things get back to normal. Health checks are essential anytime pets are exposed to other pets that have unknown health status.
During a storm or hurricane, it is essential to be prepared to the best of your abilities. The last thing you want is a panicking owner and a stressed parrot.

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